by YoMamaRice
Standing in the parking lot of Home Depot in Lihue, Kauai, you can see Queen Victoria and her finger.
No, not that kind of finger!
On the Haupu mountain range, you can see the profile of a queen, queen Victoria that is and she is pointing her finger upwards to the sky.
Can you find her and her finger in the horizon, high up in the mountain?
There is so much history and culture in Kauai that are not written in books but told by means of 'pineapple express'.
I was having a conversation with a local when he mentioned he heard a bit of news through the 'Pineapple Express'.
I told him, I subscribe to the local news like 'Hawaii News Now' and "Honolulu Civil Beat" and I asked him what this "Pineapple Express" publication was.
In which he replied, "Pineapple Express' is the people talking and passing news.
Needless to say, I felt like an idiot.
So the story of Queen Victoria came to me via "Pineapple Express".
I was told by "Maria", who had been living on the island for many years that I should look out onto the mountain plains when I am in Lihue. There she told me, I would find Queen Victoria with her finger pointing upwards.
It's like she is pointing up to the sky and saying "Now! Willy! Willy" since she is facing Nawiliwili port, she said.
How did the Hawaiians even know of this British queen? I was curious and did some digging.
We all know the Brits didn't like to stay home and got around.
I don't blame them. Who wants to be in the grey cold and eat potatoes all day? Lol.
So I found another tale of the same profile, a Hawaiian version.
The Hawaiian version goes like this -
There was once a chieftess from Oahu named "Pele'ula".
She heard the women of Kauai were more than beautiful so she decided to check it out herself. She was greeted by Hina, a chieftess in Kauai who threw her a big ass party and invited all the chiefs. Kahili, a hotty, attracted both women's attention. The women decided to compete for Kahili and had a hula dance-off.

Pele'ula went first and did her best. Contented, Hina danced her hula next and proved she was far superior and beautiful.
Instead of some jealousy and craziness of Hollywood films, Pele'ula declared Hina was indeed better and announced her own defeat.
Pele'ula gave credit where credit was due but said that Hina must warn any future visitors of the beautiful Kauaiian women.
So Hina's profile was carved with her finger-pointing, warning others that 'Kauai be hosting the most beautiful women in da world'.
I like that story. Don't you?
These stories are treasures and gems that must not be lost.
Once I finish building my farm, my next media project is to tell history, stories of Kauai called "Pineapple Express Stories".
Stay tuned and pray to the akua/gods that everything lines up and speeds up with my farm so I could get back to what I do best, tell stories.