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Can we please have a mindful holiday?

Writer's picture: yoMamaRiceyoMamaRice

Updated: Jun 27, 2019

Stop using food as decoration for your holiday table. There are people starving out there.

Words of Wisdom from yoMamaRice. Not all of us had parents who taught us how to live life. My parents couldn't or didn't... I share with you some wisdoms I've learned the hard way in hopes that you can have an easier path.


It is that time of the year again. Tis’ the American tradition where we stuff our faces with all the trimmings and goodies, time when roasted meats are served with all the pies you could ever dream of, not to mention eggnogs, wines a flow, and champie! until you can't move.

using food as decoration & creating waste

Where a white bearded, jolly, obese man pass out shiny boxes with gifts that all the Moms and Dads had to toil and mull over.

It is the end of the year, to reminisce and enjoy our family and friends and gloat how we made it to the end of another year. Zip that pant down and let our tummies hang out. That is how we know we are ok and alive. Ahhh the warmth, the joy and the fulfillment…

“...200 million pounds of Turkey went into the trash this Thanksgiving. And most of you bitches on a permanent diet don't even eat. Stop using food as decoration for your holiday. ”

Just a quick reality check and as some of you may say downer talk. In this joyous time, can I just remind everyone that is a homeless explosion going on in America and there are wars being fought overseas?

As you walk past the homeless encampment in your $800 sneakers made to look used, please don’t forget that we are all connected. Yes there are starving people.

Believe me, I get it, we all walk in a little bubble in this big urban cities. I have walked past the homeless with a Starbucks coffee in my hand, not looking back and ignoring the nagging little voice in my head. Otherwise, life would be too over-whelming.

I’m not saying not to celebrate and have fun with your loved ones but please let’s just be mindful.

We have all been to parties where at the end of the night, the host/ess is throwing out giant trash bags of food! According to USDA, 200 million pounds of Turkey went into the trash this Thanksgiving. And most of you bitches on a permanent diet don't even eat. Stop using food as decoration for your holiday. Don't make more than you are going to eat. Please do not waste food. "It is a sin." That is what my Korean Grandma always told me.

Please measure your serving this Holiday season.There are apps and websites out there that will help and assist you with portion help. How much food you will need to feed a certain amount.

Check this site out below… and no they are not paying me to do this blog.

by YoMamaRice12/24/2018


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